The Curriculum in Sociology trains highly specialised scholars to analyse social, cultural and political processes typical of highly complex societies, through the acquisition of sociological skills complemented by the contribution of the disciplines of political science, social statistics, economics and anthropology.
In particular, the interdisciplinary nature of this curriculum and its methodological approach, developed through specific internationalisation experiences, constitute a unique training context for research in Italy. In this context, it is possible to develop research projects that focus on the analysis of theoretical and empirical frameworks related to the forms of mobility of individuals, social and economic exchanges, interactions with technoscientific elements, with the media and the environment, and the spread of new and old forms of poverty and political processes in increasingly globalised societies. In the interdisciplinary perspective of this doctorate, multiple research methods are used in an innovative way to analyse and interpret social phenomena.
The curriculum in Sociology aims to provide advanced training in methodological techniques and contemporary theories and approaches to the analysis of cultural, communicative and political processes. Within the many themes and issues that characterise contemporary social sciences, the curriculum in Sociology is characterised by four specific lines of research:
- Institutional Processes and Practices of Social Production and Reproduction
- Science, Technology, Innovation and Media Studies
- Socio-Cultural Change: Identity, Families, Gender, Communication and Consumption
- Political sciences
These four areas identify paths of study and theoretical reflection with multiple links to several research topics, aimed at the analysis and management of contemporary social complexity. A priority is to maintain an educational context that takes into account how contemporary processes present themselves in continuously multiscalar forms. Particular emphasis is therefore placed on research in diverse social contexts, including at the supranational level and through extended periods of research abroad.
The curriculum aims to promote the interdisciplinarity of theoretical and methodological approaches by encouraging research projects that cut across traditional scientific and disciplinary fields. The Doctorate favours empirical and theoretically oriented analyses based on a predominantly interpretative approach. Innovative and multi-method research approaches that effectively develop the joint use of qualitative and quantitative methods, or that experiment with new models of analysis to cope with social and technological change are valued within the PhD.
More information about the research lines
Socio-Cultural Change: Identity, Families, Gender, Communication and Consumption
Socio-Cultural Change: Identity, Families, Gender, Communication and ConsumptionHuman beings everywhere are now experiencing high levels of
Institutional Processes and Practices of Social Production and Reproduction
Institutional Processes and Practices of Social Production and ReproductionThis line of research focuses on the heterogeneous set of pr
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